Privacy policy

Notice of Privacy Practices

Nestled, LLC

Alison Ahern, WHNP, IBCLC
Effective date: Jan 1, 2023

Nestled, LLC is committed to protecting the confidentiality of its patients' personal information. This privacy policy describes how any information the patient may provide the Company is collected, protected, used, and shared if the need presents itself. The Company promises to never misuse information provided and shared during the patient - Company relationship. The record created from the relationship belongs to the Company, but the information provided to create the record belongs to the patient. 

“The Company" refers to Nestled, LLC; “the patient” refers to those visiting the Company’s website, or the parent and baby (or babies) listed in the intake form. “IBCLC” refers to the International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. 

Information Collected

Nestled, LLC may collect the following information to tailor services and treatment to each individual client: 

  1. Demographic information (i.e. name, address, contact information, etc.)

  2. Health history

  3. Record of medical care provided (i.e. purpose for seeking care, history of present illness, interventions by IBCLC)

  4. Billing information and addresses

  5. Signature of patient or legal guardian of patient

  6. Consent for information to be used online and on social media

How Information is Used

The Company will collect the information stated above for the following purposes:

  1. Schedule appointments and facilitate follow up communications. 

  2. Provide thorough and appropriate care for the patient(s) and the family of the patient(s).

  3. Make a record of any medical history that may be important for developing an individualized plan of care and achievable goals with breastfeeding and lactation.

  4. Develop and modify a plan of care throughout the patient – Company relationship.

  5. Communicate with members of the patient’s health care team in order to collaborate and foster the growth and well being of the baby. 

  6. Provide best quality services needed by the patient(s).

  7. Refer to emergency or other appropriate services when deemed necessary.

  8. Obtain payment for services provided.

  9. Marketing or advertising of services provided by the Company.

  10. Meet legal and professional responsibilities to operate this practice, especially, but not limited to, those required by the patient’s health insurance plan.

Note: Health insurance plans will require medical information and information on services provided when determining cost sharing, or what is and is not covered by the plan.

Information collected during the patient – Company relationship will never be rented or sold. Personal information collected from the patient will only be shared with consent, except under the following circumstances:

  1. Medical emergency of the patient(s). 

  2. Transfer of services.

  3. Communication with a physician, other lactation consultant, or other member of the team involved in the patient(s) care. 

  4. Report of disease, abuse, neglect, or domestic violence of the patient(s) that will jeopardize the patient(s) or others.

  5. Provide information in the event of a legal audit, subpoena, identification of a suspect, fugitive, witness, or missing person, or other enforcement of law.

The Company may disclose medical information to family members, especially those named as emergency contacts, if the patient(s) are sick or injured in the event of an emergency or safety concern. 

Webpage and Social Media Privacy

The patient does not need to provide personal information to access the webpage of the Company. Information collection begins with email submission or contact with Nestled, LLC for initiation of services. 

  1. Third parties

It is with high importance that Nestled, LLC provide quality assistance with lactation, even for those unable to utilize our services specifically. Therefore, the webpage may include third party links on our webpage to offer additional or outside services. These sites have separate privacy policies that apply to their party and have no connection to those of Nestled, LLC. Nestled, LLC has no responsibility for the content, services provided, or privacy policies of these third party links. 

  1. Cookies

The webpage of the Company may use both temporary and persistent cookies in order to further personalize services used by those who visit the page. Temporary cookies store data of usage within the webpage and are lost upon closing the browser. Persistent cookies also track usage, preferences, and settings of the visitor to the Company’s page, but they have a specified expiration date that is not determined by closing the page and may be stored until a further date. These both allow the Company to use non-personal, anonymous identifiers to track information on the use of Nestled, LLC’s webpage and additional applications for services.  

  1. Webpage and Social Media

Consent for the following information will be obtained before being shared on the Company's webpage or social media outlets:

  1. Testimonies of services provided by the Company. 

  2. Use of photos or comments.

  3. Advice from the patient to other parents to be used on the webpage.

How Information is Protected

Nestled, LLC uses safeguards to preserve the integrity and security of all information collected from its patients. These security measures are applied to methods of storage of information and any information from the patient communicated via email and secure patient messaging. 

Request for Amendments to Record or Consent

The patient may request for truthful information to be added to their records regarding the patient – Company consultation, in order to be shared with other members of the health care team. The Company may deny amendments if information is inaccurate or irrelevant to the patient – Company relationship. 

The patient may revoke consent for sharing of information on or after the date of request is made. Any information provided before that date is still held under the original consent and may not be changed or deleted. All requests to withdraw consent for information sharing will be considered and must come in the form of a written statement. 

Special Requests

The patient may request that some information not be shared with those specifically named for reasoning such as safety and protection of him or her and the baby (or babies).  

The patient may request info to be shared through limited forms of communication. If the patient chooses this, they must specify on the intake form. 

Nestled, LLC is not required to allow the mentioned special requests be completed, but is required to allow the requests to be made. Special requests will be given thorough consideration and must come in writing either through email or paper form. 

Breach of Information

In an attempt to minimize the inappropriate sharing of information, this privacy policy was created to protect information belonging to patients seeking the services of Nestled, LLC. However, it does not guarantee elimination of the risk. In the event of a breach of information and a patient's personal information may be at risk, Nestled, LLC will notify the patient as required by law. The Company will use all methods of contact provided by the patient to communicate a breach, such as email, mail, and telephone communications. 

Changes to the Privacy Policy

If new practices are created to protect the personal information of the Company's patients, they will be implemented. In the event of changes to better protect the Company's patients, Nestled, LLC will update this policy to reflect those changes.

This policy was last reviewed and updated on January 1, 2023.


If there are any questions about this Privacy Policy and of the practices of Nestled, LLC, or a breach in privacy has been discovered, please contact the Company via email at